Leisure/Service Val Surses Savognin Bivio
Veia digl Pader 03: Poesia

The audio file can be found at the back of the pictures.
Sa rasa l'alva vischnanchetta,
SCU malageda sen igl pro.
Se sur igls tetgs igl fem cupeida,
sesur igls colms en tschiel schi blo!
Igl fagn savoira... Segl clavo
Amprov'en finc igl sies chivolt!
Fr. Alexander Lozza
The white village lies spread out,
as if a painter had conceived it.
From roof to roof a little smoke glides,
high above, blue sky laughs.
And the smell of mountain hay... A finch, in love,
in the barn ridge practises his song!
Leza Uffer (translation)
Audio Guide
Veia digl Pader 03: Poesia
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