Attraction Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

Sfondraz spring

Quelltuff der Sfondraz-Quelle
Quelltuff der Sfondraz-Quelle – Café Büvetta Sfondraz

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Informationstafel der Sfondraz-Quelle
The Sfondraz spring is located in the Büvetta Sfondraz drinking hall, where it is also captured.


The Büvetta Sfondraz, which is much smaller and about 100 years younger than the Büvetta Tarasp drinking hall – is a simple building that blends beautifully into the forest landscape on the river bank. It was closed for a long time, but for some years now it has been used as a garden café in the summer. The sediments at the overflow of the Sfondraz spring stand out for their intense red colours.

In the Büvetta, the water from the Sfondraz spring can be drunk during opening hours.

Main components

Sodium Na+: 1310 mg/l
Potassium K+: 75 mg/l
Calcium Ca2+: 592 mg/l
Magnesium Mg2+: 102 mg/l
Iron Fe2+: 8 mg/l

Chloride Cl-: 846 mg/l
Hydrogen carbonate HCO3-: 3740 mg/l
Sulphate SO42-: 693 mg/l



Information board

On site at the springs the information is given in Romansh and German. The information in English can be downloaded here. Alternatively, a printed version is available from the Scuol visitor information centre.


Accessible when the café Büvetta Sfondraz is open.


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

  • Take the Rhaetian Railway (RhB), which leaves hourly from Chur, Landquart/Prättigau and Upper Engadin, and get out at Scuol-Tarasp.
  • From the station about 30 minutes walk to Nairs


  • From the north: via Landquart – Klosters on the car transporter train through the Vereina tunnel (Selfranga – Sagliains) or via the Flüela Pass to Lower Engadin on the H27
  • From the east: via Landeck/Austria towards St. Moritz on the H27
  • From the south: via Reschen Pass (Nauders – Martina) or the Ofen Pass (Val Müstair – Zernez) on the H27

Nairs is located directly on the Engadinerstrasse H27 (20-minute drive from the Vereina tunnel’s southern entrance).


Parking is available in Nairs next to the Chasa Carola


Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.

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