Leisure/Service Val Surses Savognin Bivio

Segantini 05: Baba Uffer – Magd und Modell

Baba Uffer – Magd der Familie Segantini und Modell für viele von Giovanni Segantinis Bildern.
Barbara Uffer mit ihrem Mann Tsasper Spinatsch und ihren Kindern Peter (1908), Franziska (1906), Margaritta (1910) und Stiefsohn Franz (1902)(v.l.).

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Nachruf der Familie zum frommen Andenken an Barbara Spinatsch-Uffer.
Baba Uffer grew up in this quarter in the house at Veia Son Mitgel 15. She joined the Segantini family as a domestic help at the age of 13 and became the painter's preferred model. Baba embodies the young farmer's wife in many of Segantini's works.


Biography Barbara «Baba» Uffer, 1873-1935

Barbara Uffer, known as "Baba", grew up with six siblings in this quarter, in the house Veia Son Mitgel 15. At the age of 13, she was hired by Segantini as a nanny and domestic help. Later, it is also one of her duties to accompany Segantini when he paints outdoors. She becomes Segantini's preferred model and embodies the young farmer's wife in many works. In 1894 Baba followed the Segantinis to the Upper Engadine. Even after Segantini's death, she remains with Bice and the children. After 19 years in the service of the Segantini family, Baba married the widower Tsasper Spinatsch in 1905 and moved to St. Gallen. In addition to the three-year-old stepson Franz, Baba has three children of her own: Franziska, Peter and Margaritta. She remains connected to the Segantini family throughout her life. She died of cancer in 1935.

Excerpt from the obituary, written by Bianca Segantini

[...] Anyone who loves my father's pictures also knows the Baba. [...] So she often went with my father when he worked outdoors on cold winter days and early dawn. [...] After my father's death, she stayed with us – a faithful companion of my mother [...]. The Segantini family thanks dear Baba for her loyalty and will preserve for her the joyful disposition left to people whose lives were kind and loving. (Neue Bündner Zeitung, October 1935)


Segantini 05: Baba Uffer – Magd und Modell

Veia Son Mitgel 15, 7460 Savognin

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