Safienthaler Felsentunnel und Rheinschlucht

69.8 km
5:45 h
1870 Hm
1870 Hm
Felsgalerien im Safiental
Dorfdurchfahrt im historischen Teil von Castrisch

13 Bilder anzeigen

Grösster Holzbrunnen Europas: Dorfbrunnen von Valendas

Transruinaulta Trailmarathon 21.10.24

On Saturday, October 19, 2024, the Transruinaulta Trail Marathon will take place, starting in Ilanz and finishing in Thusis. The section Ilanz – Castrisch – Valendas-Sagogn Bhf – Versam-Safien Bhf to Chrummwag will be closed until about 2.30 p.m. on the day of the event. Reopened from 12 noon from Ilanz.

The tour takes you into the untouched wilderness of Canada as well as into the Grand Canyon, only to be welcomed back shortly afterwards by the seemingly endless forest directly on the Rhine. One of the gravel highlights of the region can be ridden as a day trip with a lot of altitude or as a crisp training ride.

Technik 5/6
Kondition 6/6
Höchster Punkt  1370 m
Tiefster Punkt  609 m
Beste Jahreszeit
46.775153, 9.207928



From Ilanz it is first leisurely on the little used main road in an easterly direction. Versam is the first intermediate destination, because from there it goes into the Safiental. Gently but steadily uphill, you reach the highest point of our round at the junction to Tenna.

High above the Rabiusa you drive partly in the rock back out of the valley. The impressive views and the silence of nature are impressive. In front of the Versamer Tobel you can also expect a challenging but rideable, serpentine single trail.

At Trin train station - in the middle of the famous Rhine Gorge - you come to the lowest point of the tour. From there, the second climb has to be mastered. However, this is crowned with the magnificent panoramic view from the viewing platform "il Spir". All that comes after that is dessert: the view of the famous Lake Cauma, the roller coaster-like descent to Bargaus and the original village of Sagogn. They accompany you on the way back to the starting point in Ilanz.


In the 1.7 km long Aclatobel Tunnel in the Safien Valley, there is a narrow pavement to drive on. A functioning rear light nevertheless provides additional safety.

The tour is not suitable for beginners, as it leads in the Versamer Tobel partly over exposed paths and short trail sections. A safe driving style is mandatory.

The "il Spir" viewing platform is a must for excursions to the Surselva holiday region. Nowhere else can you enjoy such an impressive view over the Ruinaulta (Rhine Gorge).


In the area of the rock tunnels there is a short section with an exposed single trail.  Here you should definitely walk a few meters. Freedom from shrinkage is not absolutely necessary,


Normal equipment with weather protection.


Ilanz – Versam – Egschi reservoir – Sculms – Versamer Tobel – Trin station – Conn – Staderas – Planezzas Sut – Sagogn – Schluein - Ilanz


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

By train or post bus to Ilanz

Anreise Information

From Chur via Versam or Flims to Ilanz

From Disentis to Ilanz


Sufficient paid parking spaces available throughout Ilanz.

The largest parking lot is located on the market square.

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