Restaurant Valposchiavo
Ristorante Motrice (Station 9 Rundgang Hildesheimer)

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The Ristorante Motrice can look back on more than 100 years of history. Opened by Bernardino Isepponi in 1912, it is now run by the fourth generation of the Isepponi family. In 1982, the current structure replaced the original building.
"Dietmar Polaczek con Mimma, Padre Camillo, Valerio Righini, Marilena Garavatti a cena da Isepponi. Bella serata." (1)
Our walk ends at the Ristorante Motrice. Wolfgang Hildesheimer liked to be a guest here and here he also brought many of his visitors - publishers, artists, students from all over the world - who travelled to Poschiavo especially to meet Hildesheimer.
In the rear dining room of the restaurant you can see numerous pictures, some of which come from artists from the circle of friends of Hildesheimer. Also on display are the reproductions of a collage by Hildesheimer and a painting by his wife Silvia.
Settle down, rest and leaf through Wolfgang Hildesheimer's books, which are located in the back of the restaurant.
Finally, we quote the final paragraph from Wolfgang's Hildesheimer's text "The Experience of the Unexpected":
"Poschiavo is the adopted home of the author of these lines You may never be completely objective about your adopted home, otherwise you would not have chosen it. ... Nevertheless, this is a report and not the song of a rhapsode. The author has often had the opportunity to seek the judgement of critical guests, more active in nature than himself, to whom any tendency to microcosmic well-being is alien.
They have confirmed the uniqueness, and not only the visual and atmospheric uniqueness. They confirm that the children here are more beautiful than elsewhere, the adults more open-minded and articulate than in other mountain valleys. That here the small-minded, bourgeois, narrow-minded is missing, the suspender, shirt-sleeved. The Puschlav lives in serenity and restraint, is noble to the simplest man, it does not serve and does not sweat. Even the valley's notorious drinkers - and thank God there are! - are not aggressive, but melancholic, and when you see ladies with ugly hats walking across the piazza, you can be sure they come from the north, hats and ladies.
Here, where there is only one policeman, almost invisible, where social differences are ignored to the best of our knowledge, where a birth becomes an event and a death becomes a welcome opportunity for general sympathy, where no reasonable person has so much to do that he would not be willing to spend half an hour at any time of the day with a glass of wine and a chat - the word means "badòz", the newcomer has the feeling of living in an intact world, and who does not like to surrender to this feeling."
(1) Signatur II - Wolfgang Hildesheimer, ed. H. T. Rommerskirchen, 1989, unpag.
(2) The Experience of the Unexpected, in Merian 14/8, 1961.
Ristorante Motrice (Station 9 Rundgang Hildesheimer)
Via da Spultri 6, 7742 Poschiavo
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