Restaurant Disentis Sedrun
Restaurant Vallatscha

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Coffee - Meeting in Curaglia
When entering the Vallatscha, one appears to be directly at the CANORTA, the pivotal point of the restaurant. The Romansh expression CANORTA is to be equated with the German terms “Treffpunkt” and “Stammtisch” - a place for regulars. Thus, one shouldn't be surprised that there are also the entrances to the kitchen, the STIVA MEDELINA, the AURINA, and the reception.
The most important place at the CANORTA is, however, our table reserved for regulars, which can be found in a cosy niche. Here, the local population meets for a coffee or a beer after work. The importance of local history and the community is enhanced by large photographs on walls, as well as in the table niche, of the CANORTA. It is worthwhile having a closer look at these pictures.
But, we don't want to leave the impression that the CANORTA might be reserved for locals: Apart from the table reserved for regulars, there is space for all guests to enjoy small refreshments or dinner.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
By train from Zurich via Chur to Disentis. Continue by Postbus to Curaglia.
By car from Zurich via Chur and Disentis to Curaglia.
Parking in front of the hotel
Restaurant Vallatscha
Via Lucmagn 89, 7184 Curaglia
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