Die Puntegliashütte am Fusse des Tödimassivs

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A hike in Trun for lovers of raw and wild nature. You walk through flower-filled meadows, some woodlands and imposing stone landscape and reach the Punteglias hut, which stands on the edge of a small plateau at the foot of the Tödi massif.
The ascent is possible from Trun directly as well as from Alp da Schlans. Both variants merge into a path that then leads up the Val Punteglias in a northwesterly direction with a moderate incline.
As early as the late Middle Ages, iron, copper and lead were mined in the valley, and high up in the Val Punteglias there are still remains of the former mine: mine entrances, foundation walls of a miner's hut and some prospecting holes.
Towards the end of the flatter section, the zigzag path leads up to the right over a stony landscape. From there, at the upper end of the steep slope, you can already see a round, red-and-white trail marker on a rock. It is important to aim for this marking if there is still snow on the hiking trail. After that, the hiking trail to the hut is very visible. In the summer months, the hut is serviced and offers 35 beds, a cosy dining room and a sun terrace with great views.
If you're lucky, you'll find a piece of Punteglias granite. A very old rock that looks a bit like Graubünden fruit bread, with its centimeter-long alkali feldspars as pieces of fruit and a base mass of biotite, hornblende, quartz and other ingredients. The famous geologist and naturalist Albert Heim (1849–1937) called it "the most beautiful rock in the Swiss Alps". In Switzerland, it can only be found in Val Frisal and Val Punteglias.
Since mid-July 2018, the hut has also been accessible for adventure seekers via a via ferrata .
To find the entrance to the via ferrata, the path to it is marked with yellow triangles. From the entrance to the hut about 1h 30min should be calculated.
In uncertain weather conditions, the tour should not be started. Weather changes in the mountains are frequent. If a rain front or similar comes up during the hike, you should turn back in time.
Good hiking boots with a good profile, weather-adapted clothing (rain jacket), possibly. Change of clothes, first aid kit, drink, food, possibly Hiking poles.
Trun-Val Punteglias-Camona da Punteglias- same way back
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
By train via Chur or Göschenen
From Göschenen via Disentis or from Chur directly with the RhB to Trun.
When boarding via the Alp da Schlans in Trun, change to the Postbus to Schlans (reservation required).
Anreise Information
By car via Chur
From Zurich on the N 3 or from St. Gallen on the N 13 to Chur and continue to the exit Reichenau direction Disentis/Ilanz/Flims to Trun or Schlans.
By car via Göschenen
From Basel on the N 2 via Lucerne to Göschenen, continue on the old pass route through the Schöllenen gorge to Andermatt and over the Oberalppass/Disentis to Trun or Schlans
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