Chapel Surselva

Chapel of St. Apollonia, Trun

Das Foto zeigt die Kapelle St. Apollonia in Trun
The house chapel in the Cuort Ligia Grischa is dedicated to St. Apollonia, the patron saint of dentists.


The ceiling paintings were created by Johannes Jakobus Rieg from Chur, who was active in the Grisons Oberland at the beginning of the 18th century. The small altar structure was designed in 1683 by monastery brother Peter Soler as a window frame. The pylon-like superstructures are closed by a very flat segmental gable and show St. Ursicin and St. Adelgott, late Gothic depictions of two abbots from the early days of Disentis Abbey, in their arched niches. The interior reveals statues of St. Apollonia and St. Barbara, which, like the candlestick angels, can certainly be attributed to the time when the altar was created.


Chapel of St. Apollonia, Trun

Via Principala 90, 7166 Trun

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