Info Point Viamala
Der Weg des Rheins

The source area of the Rhine is simply called Origin. And this origin lies in the so-called paradise, on the slopes of the Rheinquellhorn. Very close to paradise, on the other hand, lies a rocky abyss: the so-called hell.
From the peaks of the Rheinquellhorn and Rheinwaldhorn to its mouth in the North Sea, the Rhine passes not only paradise and hell, but also very different landscapes.
Shortly before Thusis, the Hinterrhein roars through the Roffla and Viamala gorges, at Reichenau-Tamins it unites with the Vorderrhein, as the Alpine Rhine it reaches Lake Constance at 400 meters above sea level. 1000 kilometers the Rhine flows from here even further to Rotterdam – past landmarks such as the approximately 160 meter high Cologne Cathedral.
Der Weg des Rheins
7437 Nufenen
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