Leisure/Service Val Surses Savognin Bivio

Wasserweg ansaina 06: Landwasser und Viadukt

Landwasser und Viadukt
Waterway ansaina 06: Landwasser and Viaduct


The Landwasser is a river without a source: it cannot be traced to its source and only bears the name from Davos Dorf, where four water lines converge: Flüelabach, Schiabach, Dorfbach and Dischmabach. After 30 kilometres, the land water between Alvaneu Bad and Filisur unites with the Albula and helps to generate electricity. Here the valley also opens up and offers a view of the powerful yet supple stone line of a viaduct. Actually, not one, but the viaduct par excellence. Elegance, precision and respect for the great mountain it conquers create beauty here day after day. Beauty worthy of UNESCO World Heritage. At this point, the red line of the Rhaetian Railway trains sews together mountains and valleys, history and modernity, the small region and the big world.


Wasserweg ansaina 06: Landwasser und Viadukt

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