Event Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

Visitor room Agricultura Val Müstair

Visitor room Agricultura Val Müstair. Experience local agriculture up close. Chascharia Müstair. Entrance free. Open all day. No registration required. Info: Tel. +41 81 858 51 94.


01.01.2022 bis 31.12.2024
Entrance free.
Visitor center Chascharia Val Müstair

Experience local agriculture in Val Müstair up close. In the visitors' room in the Chascharia (cheese factory), visitors learn a lot of interesting facts about cheese, sausage and bread and how these specialties are made in the valley from regional ingredients. The visitor room is unserved. Vending machine with regional products available. Open all day. Entrance free. No registration required. Info: Tel. +41 81 858 51 94.


Visitor center Chascharia Val Müstair

Chassellas 121a, 7537 Müstair

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