Event Viamala

viaLuna - Lichtspektakel in der Viamala-Schlucht

As soon as darkness falls, the Viamala Gorge is transformed into a magical oasis of light. The gentle arches and curves become a canvas for luminous creations.


01.09.2024 bis 27.10.2024 von 20:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
am Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag
Adults CHF 15.00, children (6 - 16 years) CHF 8.00
Viamala gorge

Dozens of colored spotlights are strategically placed to highlight the striking contours of the rock faces and bathe the gorge in a surreal play of colors. The gentle arches and curves that have been sculpted by water over centuries now become a canvas for luminous creations.

The light installation in the Viamala Gorge is a perfect excursion destination for families, couples and groups of friends. Children will be delighted by the bright colors and surreal surroundings, while adults can enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the Viamala Gorge. It's an experience that connects generations and creates shared memories.

No registration required.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.




Viamala gorge

Viamala Tourismus, 7430 Thusis

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