Leisure/Service Val Surses Savognin Bivio

Via Sett:: Trockenmauern

Trockenmauern sind charakterstisch entlagn der Septimerroute
Aufbau einer Trockenmauer.

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Trockenmauern tragen zur Artenvielfalt bei und bieten Lebensraum für verschiedenste Tiere und Pflanzen, wie der Schlingnatter oder dem Weissen Mauerpfeffer
Via Sett:: Dry Stone Walls


Do you see the dry stone wall? 
They line the Septimer Route and characterise the cultivated landscape in Parc Ela. Dry stone walls have been built for centuries with natural stones without concrete and mortar to demarcate pastures, to protect against avalanches and as retaining walls.  

Today, many dry stone walls are no longer maintained and are falling into disrepair. The Parc Ela association has therefore inventoried, renovated or even rebuilt the existing dry stone walls.  Since 2013, people doing community service, companies and holiday work groups have been repairing selected sections of the kilometre-long dry stone walls along the Septimer Route.

In the audio report , Gian Parpan tells you more about the construction and stability of the dry stone walls.

Audio Guide



Via Sett:: Trockenmauern

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