The Acquafraggia Panorama Trail

5.2 km
2:05 h
200 Hm
521 Hm
Cascate Acquafraggia
Fontane a Borgonuovo

4 Bilder anzeigen

sentiero verso Savogno
Anyone driving through Bergell is inevitably drawn to the sight of the Acquafraggia waterfalls. On a beautiful circular route, the cascades can be admired from all angles.
Technik /6
Kondition 2/6
Höchster Punkt  787 m
Tiefster Punkt  407 m
Beste Jahreszeit
Borgonuovo di Piuro
Borgonuovo di Piuro
46.329561, 9.434049



In fact, many stop to admire the beauty of the double cascades. There is an excellent way to see them up close, on a hike that shows them in full detail from different angles. The walk can be done in a couple of hours at leisure.

The route starts at the car parks under the waterfall. Passing through the houses of Serlone, you make your way towards Savogno. Small branch-offs open up views of the waterfalls from time to time. You cross the stream above the cascades on a rope bridge. If you want, you can make a detour from here to the village of Savogno - otherwise you head downstream and then west to the village of Prosto and then back down the valley to the starting point.


Before setting off on the hike, you might want to take a look at the basin of the waterfalls, where the water breaks with a lot of noise and sprays an infinite number of drops. Back at the car park, head towards the nearby houses of Serlone. Turn left onto the mule track to Savogno. The path leads uphill over a stream and through a beautiful chestnut grove. Further up, where some handrails help you over a few exposed stretches, you come to a fork. The lower path leads to the nearby viewpoint with a view of the middle waterfall, close to the upper double falls. Back at the aforementioned fork, one continues to climb upwards, partly over metal steps that ease the way over impressive boulders. This takes you to the highest terrace of the waterfall, where you can see the various rock slides created by the water. A steep staircase leads to a ledge near the unique "Ponte di Corda" (rope bridge). On the opposite side, you come to the junction with the Sentiero di Pigión (Pigeon Path), which climbs until it joins the mule track of Savogno (it takes about 40 min from the junction to Savogno).
However, you continue downhill and come to the Crotto della Cànoa by the Valle Drana torrent. In the square in front of the crotto, which used to be an inn, you can see the stone tables and benches. At this point, turn onto the mule track to Cranna and walk downhill until you reach the road that leads to Sant'Abbondio. However, it is better to stay on the mule track, which repeatedly crosses the road and passes through the houses of the old village. At the church square, where the view of the waterfalls becomes clear once again, take the path along the road again until the bridge over the Acquafraggia. Follow the path along the wall on the left to reach the base of the falls and return to the car park.

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