Sports Facility Davos Klosters
Sunniberg Climbing

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With over 600 metres of climbing in 22 routes, 2 of which are multi-rope routes, and with difficulty levels ranging from 4a to 8a, the climbing facility entices visitors to spectacular explorations of the imposing structure.
The most important facts in brief
- All trained and experienced climbers and belayers are entitled to use the climbing facility.
- The municipality of Klosters accepts no liability for personal injury or damage to property.
- Accident and liability insurance are the responsibility of the users.
- Helmets are compulsory for both the climber and the belayer!
- The handholds have been mounted with extreme care. Nevertheless, a handle can turn or break at any time.
- Always tie a knot in the end of the rope! The rope must always be knotted at the end or attached to the rope bag!
- Make sure that spectators are not in the danger zone and point this out to them if necessary.
- The routes are 20m, 34m and 55m high. The 55m high routes have a diversion at 55m and another at 34m. If you want to climb a 55m high route, it is mandatory that you have knowledge and skills to safely dismount such a route.
Necessary pitches
- For 34m high routes at least one 70m rope
- For 55m high routes at least one 80m rope
- For the multi pitch routes at least one 50m double rope.
Tips & tricks
- The routes are 20m, 34m and 55m long. The 55m long routes have a 55m and a 34m diversion. If you want to climb the 55m routes, you need to know how to dismantle such a route safely.
- Two routes are intended as multi-pitch routes. As their course changes the pillars, these routes can also be climbed as multi-pitch . Use these only if you are trained in multi-pitch routes.
- The length, difficulty and type of climbing is described at the start of each route.
- Our recommendation: Get trained at the mountain guide association Prättigau Davos.
Stay clean!
The climbing garden borders directly on a floodplain zone. In order for the great variety of animal and plant species to flourish, the following rules of conduct must be observed:
- Take rubbish with you or dispose of it in the nearest rubbish bin.
- Toilets are located approx. 100m down the valley.
- The construction of fireplaces is not permitted.
free of charge
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Take the public bus (line 213) to Serneus, Walki. It is then a 15-minute walk to Sunniberg Climbing.
By car to Serneus, Walki. It is then a 15-minute walk to Sunniberg Climbing.
Parking spaces available at Serneus, Walki.
Sunniberg Climbing
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