Historical Site Heidiland
St. Martin Walser Settlement

In the unique landscape of the UNESCO World Heritage Tectonic Arena Sardona lies peacefully the former Walser settlement of Sankt Martin. From 1346 to 1653, the Calfeisental was home to the free Walsers who had migrated from the Upper Valais. Today it feels like an open-air museum: small wooden houses with colorful flower pots, a small lake with a water mill, the Chirchli and a restaurant with fresh bread from the wood oven. The charm and romance of this little village alone are worth a visit.
But not only culture, but also nature lovers get their money's worth here. Saint Martin is the ideal starting point to explore the Tectonic Arena Sardona. For example on a round hike to the Sardona hut SAC. This in turn is the ideal starting point to climb the Piz Sardona, which gives the World Heritage Site its name, to reach Flims via Trinser Furgga or to follow the Sardona World Heritage Trail No. 73 via Heidelpass to Weisstannen or via Foopass to Elm.
In addition, in and around Sankt Martin you have the unique chance, with a little luck, to observe bearded vultures in the wild. Between 2010 and 2014, a total of 12 young bearded vultures were released into the wild in the region.
Free viewing
Season: May to October
Opening hours Alpwirtschaft & Restaurant
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
The Gigerwald dam can be easily reached from Bad Ragaz by post bus (only in the summer months, please note the timetable).
The post bus line 451 in the direction of Vättis or "Gigerwald, Staudamm" takes you directly to the dam wall. From there a 4 km long, flat road leads to Sankt Martin. The walk takes about 45 minutes.
Often there are friendly car drivers who are happy to give hikers a lift, because everyone has the same goal!
By car or motorcycle you can drive up to the Walser settlement. There are sufficient parking spaces available.
Please note: In the tunnels between the dam and Sankt Martin the maximum height is limited to 2.6 meters. Furthermore, the road is narrow, which is why it is only possible to drive on one lane. The direction of travel changes every half hour.
St. Martin Walser Settlement
Walsersiedlung Sankt Martin im Calfeisental, 7315 Vättis
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