Sent – Tschlin (Rundtour)

33.2 km
4:30 h
1273 Hm
1273 Hm

3 Bilder anzeigen


The spring bike tour from Sent to Tschlin via Raschvella and back again is a great experience. You drive through Engadine villages, along the Inn and can enjoy the wonderful view from Tschlin.

Technik /6
Kondition 5/6
Höchster Punkt  1518 m
Tiefster Punkt  1054 m
Beste Jahreszeit
PostBus stop «Sent, Tuffera»
PostBus stop «Sent, Tuffera»
46.817046, 10.337809



It starts in Sent. First, the path leads along the main road to Sur En. Turn left before the wooden bridge, a small path leads along the Inn to below Ramosch. Then first up a steep climb and to the Engadine village of Ramosch. Follow the main road for about 100 metres until a tarred road turns off immediately before the PostBus stop from Ramosch. If you follow this road, you will come to the meadows of Ramosch; an old path continues to a wooden bridge. This is crossed and the road is followed to Raschvella and San Niclà. At the entrance to the village of Strada, you have to turn left after the second Engadine house. This section of the route is very steep, but only about 70 meters long. If you follow the dirt road, you will soon reach Chaflur. At the end of the village, turn left; the signpost points in the direction of Tschlin. In Tschlin follow the main road down again in the direction of Strada. At San Niclà, turn off onto the dirt road again and follow it to Sur En. From Sur En follow the main road back to Sent.


The tour was evaluated in favorable weather conditions, the current weather conditions and weather forecasts must be observed before the start of the tour. This tour does not place any special demands on driving safety and driving skills.

Emergency call:
144 Emergency call, first aid

1414 Mountain Rescue REGA

112 International Emergency Call

Be considerate when crossing and overtaking hikers
Most of the Graubünden mountain bike routes run on single trails, which are also signposted as hiking trails. Hikers always have the right of way.


Helmet, gloves, good footwear, glasses, rain and sun protection, water bottle, repair kit, bandages


Start in Sent, Tuffera

Along the main road to Sur En

Turn left before the wooden bridge

Follow the path to below Ramosch (approx. 2 km), branch off in the direction of Ramosch

Follow the main road for about 100 meters

Turn off in front of the PostBus stop "Ramosch, Plaz"

Follow the path to the wooden bridge and cross it

Follow the road to Raschvella, San Niclà

At the entrance to the village of Strada, turn left after the second Engadine house

Follow the dirt road to Chaflur

At the end of the village turn left (direction Tschlin)

In Tschlin follow the main road in the direction of Strada

At San Niclà take the dirt road back to Sur En and continue on the main road back to Sent


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

  • By Rhaetian Railway (from Chur, Landquart/Prättigau or from the Upper Engadine) every hour to Scuol-Tarasp station

  • By PostBus (from Martina, Sent, Ftan or Tarasp) every hour to Scuol-Tarasp train station

  • Continue by PostBus to PostBus stop Sent, Tuffera

Anreise Information

  • From the north: via Landquart – Klosters by car through the Vereina tunnel (Selfranga - Sagliains) or over the Flüela Pass into the Lower Engadine on H27, to Sent
  • From the east: via Landeck / Austria in the direction of Reschenpass, to Martina on the H27 to Crusch and then up to Sent.
  • From the south: via Reschen Pass to Martina, then direction St. Moritz on the H27 to Crusch and then up to Sent


  • Paid parking Entrance Sent (underground garage) or parking Lot Triench

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