Info Point Viamala

Schutzwald zur Hangstabilisation

Schutzwald zur Hangstabilisierung
Lukas Kobler, Regional Forestry Engineer Region Mittelbünden:


"The forest, which was reforested around 100 years ago and visible from here towards Nolla, served as it does today to stabilise the slope. Today, based on the experience gained in terms of location quality and origin of the plants, we would do things differently. Instead of spruces, which are shallow roots and are reluctant to get 'wet feet', in a first phase one would prefer water-pulling tree species such as the alder. The silver fir is suitable as the main tree species, as it can better stabilize the slope with its deep-growing taproot like an anchor. Today, our priority is to gradually rejuvenate the forest with more suitable, site-appropriate tree species and to make it fit for the long term."

Due to centuries of agricultural cultivation, the catchment area of the Nolla used to be largely cleared. All three great water engineers, Hans Conrad Escher, Richard La Nicca and Adolf von Salis, who dealt with the Nolla and the landslides on the Heinzenberg, were of the opinion that the floods, debris and debris flows, which caused great damage in the valley, could be prevented by replanting and draining the largely bare catchment area of the Nolla.

After various stream corrections and drainage measures, the responsible federal department was of the opinion in 1897 that the slopes had come to rest enough for the canton to start afforestation. The affected communities and private landowners were not positive about these reforestation plans. Because they were threatened with great loss of cultivated land due to afforestation. Nevertheless, they had to sell their land to the canton. If no agreement was reached, the land was expropriated from them.

Between 1908 and 1924, around 875,000 trees were planted by hand and 60 kilograms of seeds were planted in the specially created forest garden. Furthermore, 3200 meters of passable side paths and 7300 meters of footpaths were created, which still make the work of the forestry service easier today and make the reforested forest one of the best developed forests in the canton of Graubünden.


Schutzwald zur Hangstabilisation

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