Info Point Viamala

Schulhaus Feldis

Schulhaus Feldis
As in many villages, the rectory served as a schoolhouse for a long time.


But in 1935 it no longer offered enough space for the Feldis offspring, so a new schoolhouse was built.

The special feature: It was largely co-financed by the school welfare of the city of Basel. Thus, the building could be used twice: from October to April as a schoolhouse, in the rest of the time as a warehouse for the children from the city.

In 1976, the extension of the fire station and the law firm followed. At the end of the 80s, the house was extended to the north, where, among other things, the municipal archive was housed.

In the 1960s, Feldis had over 30 primary school students and some secondary school students. The latter had to take the cable car to Rhäzüns to attend school there. The number of students decreased steadily until the school was completely closed in 2007.

Today, the house is used for holiday camps and for various events, such as theater performances.


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