Museum Heidiland

Sarganserländer Maskenmuseum Flums

Sarganserländer Maskenmuseum Flums (oua_604435683_image)
Sarganserländer Maskenmuseum Flums

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Sarganserländer Maskenmuseum Flums
Marvel at wooden masks from the carnival stronghold


Flums, Mels and Walenstadt are the main centers of traditional, wooden mask carving in Sarganserland. However, in other parts of the region this over 150-year-old tradition is still being practiced too. 150 historical and contemporary wooden masks, typical examples of this local custom, are exhibited in the museum. The Sarganserländer Mask Museum was created as part of the 50th anniversary of the Sarganserland Valley Association in the basement of Flums Town Hall. The exhibition is divided into three rooms. The "Raum der Region" (Regional Room) contains typical masks from all eight of the local Sarganserland municipalities. Here, a short video presentation tells how a single wooden mask is created. In the "Raum der Maskengeschichte" (History of the Mask Room) historical masks and valuable curiosities are exhibited together with examples of the woodcarver’s tools. The third room, the "Raum der Masken" (Mask Room) is dedicated to contemporary carved wooden masks.


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