Rundtour oberhalb von Tschlin

7 km
1:25 h
387 Hm
387 Hm
Dorf Tschlin

4 Bilder anzeigen

Das Engadiner Dorf Tschlin.

Varied round trip through forests and meadows around the pristine and remote Engadine mountain village of Tschlin.

Technik /6
Kondition 3/6
Höchster Punkt  1887 m
Tiefster Punkt  1501 m
Beste Jahreszeit
46.867782, 10.422526



Tschlin is located on a sun terrace at 1,550 m above sea level. The tour starts at the entrance to the village at the post bus stop. Already from there you have a beautiful view of the opposite side of the valley with Piz Lad, Piz Nair, Piz S-chalambert, Piz Ajüz and up to Piz Lischana. At the first fountain at the entrance to the village we turn left and follow the forest road for 1.6 km. The slope is steady and the view of the opposite side of the valley and the typical terraced landscape outside the village is spectacular. Shortly before the fireplace at point 1656 we take the path to the right towards Palü Plajazan. Here it gets steeper and we turn left (always following the marked path), where a beautiful and narrowing rooty path begins. On the way, a bear actually greets us. After a few tight hairpin bends we reach a forest road, here we turn right and soon reach the highest point of the route at Plajazin with some beautifully situated hunting lodges. From here you can see the mountain peaks. From here it's all downhill. We follow the marked hiking trail (and not the forest road) in the direction of Tschlin, all through the sparse coniferous forest. The last stretch takes us through the typical Engadine village of Tschlin. Right at the entrance to the village we reach the brewery Girun. We follow the road through the village, past several village wells with fresh spring water and soon reach our starting point. Shortly before the end there is the Macun restaurant where you can taste two different mountain beers brewed in the municipality of Valsot.


  • Variety of flowers in the meadows.
  • Fresh water in one of the many Dorbrunnen
  • Visit to one of the two churches
  • Engadine specialities in the Macun restaurant
  • Visit to the Girun Brewery
  • Bathing in the fountain in summer:


The tour was evaluated in favorable weather conditions, the current weather conditions and weather forecasts must be observed before the tour starts.

emergency call

144 Emergency, first aid
1414 Mountain rescue REGA
112 International emergency number


Tschlin – hiking trail in the direction of Vna – hiking trail in the direction of Palü Plajazin – hiking trail in the direction of Plajazan – from Plajazan hiking trail in the direction of Tschlin


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

  • Take the post bus to Strada. From there change to Tschlin.

Anreise Information

From Scuol:

  • Cantonal road in the direction of Martina, before San Nicla turn left in the direction of Tschlin

From Martina:

  • Cantonal road in the direction of Scuol, after San Nicla turn right in the direction of Tschlin


  • In the public car park in front of the village entrance

Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.
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