Route of amazement Malanser Älpli

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The Älplibahn takes you from Malans up to the starting point. From the Älpli we climb gently to the Chrüzbode, then we continue to Obersäss, past Altsäss until we admire the watercourses in the depths above Sieben Brünnen. Here we turn around, go back via Altsäss, Obersäss and choose the meadow path, past the moor, which leads us below the Ruchenberg to the ridge floors. Via Mittelsäss we hike back to the Älpli.
Moor (cult site): Once the high plateau is reached, you will see the extensive, untouched moor. The moorland landscape is beautiful and close to nature, it fascinates with its vastness, scenic unity and coherence. From an energetic point of view, this is a place of power with uplifting, but also with corrosive energy qualities. The place would be suitable as a place of worship.
Sieben Brünnen (place of power): We look down on the lower ground with its gentle terrain, springs and streams from above. Above the Seven Bruns, we observe the folds of the mountains, the band of red rock, the mountains, the waterfall, the vastness. We look at the soft hollow with its streams. It is a place of power with a building energy quality.
Quelle (Heilplatz): To the west of the Ruchenberg we cross a lively stream. It is a wonderful place with a wooden bench. Sit down and look at the water. At the fountain is the spring, of which there are still a few in the meadows around. You are in an extraordinarily intense place of power with high energies. The energy quality is build-up and degrading, which means that the place has healing qualities.
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