Rossbodenjoch Round Hike

12 km
5:10 h
950 Hm
950 Hm
Val Maisas mit Aussicht auf den Muttler
Rotes Seeli mit Stammerspitz

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Samnaun Dorf – Rossbodenjoch (Rundtour) (oua_15644120_d2e5a0e_profile)
Hike in Val Maisas, south of Samnaun, to the Rote Seeli. This small lake used to turn red in the summer months due to algae, but now the pond is often almost dried out in summer, so that the phenomenon can no longer be observed.
Technik /6
Kondition 3/6
Höchster Punkt  2751 m
Tiefster Punkt  1822 m
Beste Jahreszeit
PostBus stop Samnaun-Dorf, Post
PostBus stop Samnaun-Dorf, Post
46.945137, 10.362554



The entrance to Val Maisas is via a steep little road leading to the Hirten cabin. With a little patience and luck, you can observe a golden eagle in its eyrie on the opposite slope. The single trail begins after the Hirten cabin and following a good 500 metres there is a turn-off towards Schwarzwand. Passing through alpine roses it steadily continues toward Schwarzwand. After about two hours you reach the Rote Seeli. This is a small lake whose water used to turn red in the summer months due to algae. In recent years, the lake dried up temporarily in summer, so the phenomenon could no longer be observed. The return path leads you via Lange Seite and Rossboden back to Samnaun Dorf.


The tour has been evaluated under favorable weather conditions. Current weather conditions and weather forecasts must be taken into account before the tour starts. This hike requires elementary alpine experience, orientation skills, hiking boots are recommended.

Emergency call:

144 Emergency call, first aid

1414 Mountain rescue REGA

112 International emergency call


Good shoes, rain and sun protection, water bottle, bandages.


  • Start at Samnaun village
  • Follow the stream into Val Maisas until the shepherd's hut
  • Follow the road for about 500m
  • Turn left towards Schwarzwand
  • Follow the path to the Rote Seeli (approx. 2 hours)
  • Descent via Lange Seite and Rossboden
  • Back to Samnaun village


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

  • With the Rhaetian Railway (from Chur, Landquart/Prättigau or from the Upper Engadine) every hour to Scuol-Tarasp station
  • Continue with the PostBus to the PostBus stop Samnaun village, post

Anreise Information

  • From the north: via Landquart - Klosters by car transport through the Vereina tunnel (Selfranga - Sagliains) or over the Flüela pass into the Lower Engadine on H27, from Vinadi turn left towards Samnaun
  • From the east: via Landeck / Austria in direction Reschenpass on the B180, from Kajetansbrücke in direction Spiss - Samnaun on the L348
  • From the south: via Reschenpass to Kajetansbrücke, there direction Spiss - Samnaun on the L348


Free parking in Samnaun village (Chasa Riva, Musella or Votlas)

Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.

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