Event Chur

Rome in Chur

On the occasion of International Archaeology Day, the Archaeological Service of Graubünden and the Rhaetian Museum will provide an insight into their work.


15.06.2025 von 13:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
Free admission
Raetian Museum

In the Welschdörfli, an emergency archaeological excavation is currently taking place on the grounds of the Graubünden pension fund. There, employees of the Graubünden Archaeological Service explain how they go about their work and what they find. The entrance to the excavation site is at the intersection of Bienenstrasse / Sägenstrasse. Interested parties can get in touch with the experts there and look over their shoulders. Drinks and tents are available on site for protection from the sun or rain.

In the Rhaetian Museum, experts from the museum and the Archaeological Service show what happens to the objects and the data after recovery. This gives an insight into the restoration work and how coins are identified. In addition, guests can study the archive and photo material from earlier excavations in the Chur Welschdörfli. But not only adults get their money's worth at this event, but also young history buffs. For example, there is a workshop for children from the age of 5 in the attic of the Rhaetian Museum. There they can make a Roman oil lamp out of clay, decorate it and then try it out at home.


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