Glacier Garden Heidiland

Rock Glacier by Wildseeluggen

Blockgletscher bei Wildseeluggen
On the Pizol 5-Lake Hike you can marvel at the remains of a rock glacier!


Before the path climbs steeply to the Wildseeluggen, it crosses a lush green meadow on a slope of finer debris, which is behind the rock formations of the Bölli. This used to be a firn field, the outer edge of which accumulated fallen rocks. Towards Wildseeluggen, a field with boulders up to several metres in size follows in sharp contrast: the remains of a small block glacier formed from fallen boulders.


Rock Glacier by Wildseeluggen

Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt UNESCO-Welterbe Tektonikarena Sardona.

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