Mountain Hut Valposchiavo

Rifugio Saoseo CAS

Saoseo Hütte
Saoseo Hütte
Refuge of the Swiss Alpine Club located in Lungacqua in the Val da Camp.


The refuge is located in Lungacqua, at 1986 m above sea level, a town in the Val di Campo, a protected natural area that offers numerous excursions on foot, by mountain bike, with ski mountaineering and snowshoeing between paths, woods and lakes.


Closed in winter.


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

Bus service Balzarolo SA (0041 81 844 10 42) to Lungacqua.

Bus number 90.703

Reservation required the day before by 18:00.


Parking in Sfazù.


Rifugio Saoseo CAS

Casella postale 68, 77424 Poschiavo

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