Riedwies circuit winter hiking trail

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On the Riedwies-Runde you can enjoy beautiful insights into the Panyer Maiensäss landscape and a wonderful view over the whole Prättigau.
Start at the Pany ski lift, car park, follow the road towards Chrüzhof. At the Winkelstation ski lift, cross the route and the ski slope to Planariend and climb slightly over the Büelenwis to the Großer Stein near Tratzastrasse. On the road down to Geisswis, continue to Börtji and follow the road back to the start.
Trail condition
Refreshments at the start and finish in the restaurant Güggelstein
further possibility only on the way back in the self-service pub Nini's Puurästübli Riedwies
The Riedwies-Runde is only considered open as long as it is signposted and prepared. An inspection outside the official season is not recommended; it is at your own risk.
Normal winter hiking equipment; depending on the conditions, poles may be recommended.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
With the Rhaetian Railway RhB to Schiers (90.218) or Küblis (90.222) and by PostBus to Pany to Riedwies.
Anreise Information
Take the A13 and the B28 to Küblis. Turn left in the middle of Küblis and follow Luzeinerstrasse uphill to Pany.
Summer and winter: P41 ski lift, P42 Güggelstein, P43 swimming pool
Only in winter: P44 Riedwie's
parking spaces are subject to charges. It can be paid with cash, Parkingpay-App, Easy-Park or TWINT.
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