Restaurant Engadin St. Moritz

Restaurant Chadafö Marguns


6 Bilder anzeigen



Anyone who loves Italian cuisine should not miss a visit to the Restaurant Chadafö.
Pizzas in all their many variations and delicious
specialities from the grill treat guests to culinary highlights.

Here, in the very heart of the Corviglia / Marguns ski area at an altitude of 2,278 metres above sea level,
you can enjoy Italian food in Engadin mountain style.


open: from 22.06.2024 to 20.10.2024
Daily 8.30am - 5.00pm
closed: from 21.10.2024 to 29.11.2024
open: from 30.11.2024 to 06.04.2025
Daily 8.30am - 5.00pm


Restaurant Chadafö Marguns

Truoch dal Runel, 7505 Celerina

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