Railway Tour Davos Klosters - 100K

In Davos Klosters, the single trails are so numerous that a second route of the railway tour is possible. The 100K version differs in large parts from the original route, but remains true to the principle: up by train, down on single trails – and as often as possible. The result: an enduro tour – over 100 kilometres.
The destination of Davos Klosters has a unique offer with five different mountain railways with bike transport. If you combine the lifts, a bike tour with almost 10,000 metres of descent* is possible - nowhere else. The tour requires a very good and safe riding technique in alpine terrain, as well as adherence to the time schedule. The Bahnentour is a tour at the limit of what is possible, which is why many people don't manage the route straight away. There are no breaks or lunch stops, but the trail experience is all the more intense.
Sections of the route:
1. section Laret
Departure Davos Dorf station: 7.30 a.m./ Davos – Wolfgangpass – Laret – Grüenbödeli – Klosters
Früh morning fun trail from Wolfgangpass to Klosters
2nd section Chalbersäss
Departure Gotschna valley station, Klosters: 8.15 a.m./ Klosters – Gotschna – Chalbersäss – Serneuser Schwendi – Rütiwald – Klosters Dorf
The crisp descent is considered the root wonder of Klosters
3rd section Schwarzseealp
Departure Gotschna valley station, Klosters: 9.15 am / Klosters – Gotschna – Schwarzseealp – Wolfgangpass – Davos
After the crisp trail to Schwarzseealp follows the continuation to Wolfgangpass
4th section Chörbschhorn
Departure Parsenn valley station, Davos village: 10.15 a.m./ Davos – Weissfluhjoch – Strelapass – Chörbschhorn – Stafelalp – Frauenkirch – Glaris
Ascent to Chörbschhorn with pushing section, flowing descent to Stafelalp
5th section Rinerhorn
Departure Rinerhorn valley station, Davos Glaris: 12.10 pm / Glaris - Rinerhorn - Spina - Wildboden - Davos
Relatively easy descent from the Rinerhorn.
6th section Ischalp
.Departure Jakobshorn valley station, Davos Platz: 13.00 / Davos – Jakobshorn – Ischalp – Davos
The single trail descent was specially prepared for mountain bikers in 2016
7th section Dischma
Departure Jakobshorn valley station, Davos Platz: 14.00 hrs / Davos – Jakobshorn – Brämabüel – Dischma – Davos
The classic from Jakobshorn with the challenging Waldstück
8th section Meierhof
Departure Parsenn valley station, Davos village: 15.15 hrs / Davos – Weissflujoch – Meierhoftäli – Davos
Long and rocky single trail descent down to Lake Davos
9th section Duranna
.Departure Parsenn valley station, Davos Dorf: 16.15 h / Davos – Weissfluhjoch – Durannapass – Küblis
The brilliant finale with almost 1900-high metres of single trail descent
Trail transport: 9
Single trail percentage: über 80%
Difficulty: technically very difficult in places, only for very skilled and fit riders
.Tour author: Thomas Giger, Ride Magazine
See also
Destination Davos Klosters
Davos Destinations Organisation (Cooperative)
Talstrasse 41
CH-7270 Davos Platz
Tel: +41(0)81 415 21 21
E-mail: info@davos.ch
Internet: www.davos.ch
More information: https://www.davos.ch/aktivitaeten/radsport/mountainbiken/bahnentour
Ride the train with guide and inventor Thomi Giger as a guided tour:
In the Davos Klosters destination there are many managed alps with livestock. It is therefore to be expected that animals will be encountered everywhere. We ask you to exercise appropriate caution and to drive at an appropriate speed.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Take the RHB from Landquart to Davos Dorf.
Anreise Information
Route 28 from Landquart to Davos.
&Use public parking spaces in Davos Klosters.
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