Leisure/Service Bergün Filisur

Post da marenda Falein

The post da marenda is a refreshment station on the Mäiensäss Falein and offers alpine and farm products in self-service


The post da marenda, a bear-proof alpine kiosk, is equipped with a refrigerator that is powered by water power. The Alpkiosk is located on the Heidiweg, directly in front of the Heidi Hut in Falein. For more information, please contact Gina Schutz. She is in charge of the post da marenda on Falein. Phone: +41 81 404 19 38 Mobile: +41 79 577 04 09


June to the end of October


Post da marenda Falein

Stradung 11, Im Bahnhof, 7450 Tiefencastel

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