Event Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

Playing theatre is fun!

Playing theatre is fun! Stradun 197, Center Augustin, innside~theater.teaming.therapie.Engadin. Info and note. Until Monday 9:00 a.m. info@innside-dramatherapie.ch.


05.06.2023 bis 28.12.2026 von 14:00 bis 15:03 Uhr
am Montag
Adults. 20.00 (without GK 25.00) Children 10.00
Center Augustin

Playing theatre is liberating and good for you. This was already known in ancient Greece. There were stages right next to the bathhouses. This is also the case in Scuol. A unique combination of wellness and action in the whole of Graubünden!
Fun and games are in the foreground.
No previous experience required.


Center Augustin

Stradun 197, 7550 Scuol

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