Pizzo Stella

15 km
6:00 h
500 Hm
1800 Hm
Lago Angeloga
Val Splüga

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Pizzo Stella is a mountain with elegant shapes, especially on the northern slope that slopes towards Alp Angeloga.
Technik /6
Kondition 6/6
Höchster Punkt  3111 m
Tiefster Punkt  1185 m
Beste Jahreszeit
Bivacco Chiara e Walter
46.402875, 9.356998



The south side, on the other hand, is less well known, also due to the considerable difference in altitude that separates the summit from the
valley floor. For the ascent from this side you set off from the bivouac Chiara e Walter, which stands at the rocky border of the Passo di Lei. It can be reached from Borgonuovo di Piuro on a long route that completely follows the course of the Acquafraggia, or then from the terrace of Bondeno along the route described above. From the bivouac to the summit, the ascent is quite pleasant and short. Back you can over the northern slope, to the Rifugio Chiavenna on the Alp Angeloga, and further down to Fraciscio.


The most challenging section is on the ascent just after the highest point of the 2959 m high spur, in connection with a narrow ridge that offers an easy climb (grade II). Caution should be exercised when descending to Alp Angeloga, especially at the beginning of the season, when there is still snow - pimples and crampons are sometimes useful - when the route usually leads all over rocks and scree slopes. Marking: red markers on the first section of the ascent to the summit; downwards red and white marking only on the piece from Rifugio to Fraciscio. Signposts at the beginning and at the important junctions.


From Passo di Lei you turn west and climb a long rocky ridge. Keeping to the left, you follow the rare red stamps. Finally, a small scree gorge is to be climbed, up to the top of a promontory at an altitude of 2959 m. From here on you stay on the ridge line, which partly has narrow spots. If you have overcome an incision that requires easy climbing on a short stretch, the ridge becomes wide and flat and leads to the last slope, which you climb over somewhat brittle rocks to the summit (3163 m). The descent via the Angeloga route takes place along the ridge towards the southwest, making sure that you follow the right part at the junction. The ridge leads to a wide saddle, known as "Garlaschelli". From this point you descend the slopes straight north, sometimes covered in snow, sticking to a scree rib on the left side of the snowfield. Once on the plateau below, turn right, come to an alpine meadow and descend on it to the beautiful lake of Alp Angeloga. Here stands the Rifugio Chiavenna (2040 m), from there down you follow the H

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