Event Chur

Of Perpetrators and Scapegoats - Anti-Semitism in Christian Images of Jesus

Anti-Semitism in Christian Images of Jesus. With Lukas Kundert, Rev. Prof. Dr. theol., Professor of New Testament at the University of Basel. Dr. theol. Ivana Bendik. Aperitif Admission Free Collection


11.09.2024 von 19:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Regula Church

Anti-Semitism in Christian Images of Jesus
With Lukas Kundert, Pastor Prof. Dr. theol., President of the Church Council of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Basel-Stadt, Pastor of the Minster in Basel and Professor of New Testament at the University of Basel.

Since Hamas' massacre of Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023, and Israel's subsequent declaration of war, anti-Semitic patterns of thought and behavior have emerged worldwide. These patterns have a millennia-old tradition. Consciously and unconsciously, they are passed on. Recognising them and explicitly distancing oneself from them is the task of all enlightened contemporaries and, in particular, that of Christians. After all, the Christian roots are Jewish. Jesus Christ came into the world as a Jew. He was addressed by his followers with the honorary title of rabbi. Jews have been our companions of civilization since ancient times.

Moderator: Pastor Dr. theol. Ivana Bendik

You are cordially invited to the aperitif afterwards
Free admission, collection




Regula Church

Reichsgasse 15, 7000 Chur

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