Farm Shop Surselva
Negozi Sut Vitg, Morissen
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Negozi Sut Vitg
If you arrange by phone, we will also be happy to be there for you personally.
In our farm shop Negozi Sutvitg we sell various products from Beinpuril Pardatsch, as well as products from the house and garden. Alpine cheese and butter, homemade jams and syrups as well as tea blends. You will also find products from selected companies in the region. As well as lovingly made flower arrangements and decorative items.During the summer months, the herb garden is open. In the Gartencaffe you can enjoy the quiet atmosphere and the fresh mountain air. Self-service open daily.
Daily 07.00 - 20.00 Self-service
Negozi Sut Vitg, Morissen
Sut Vitg 283 A, 7143 Morissen
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