Event Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

NATURAMA Lecture: Insects – Small Animals, Big Impact

Insects – small animals, big impact // Anne Kempel, Dr., ecologist, scientist. Employee SLF


18.09.2024 von 20:30 bis 21:30 Uhr
Adults CHF 7.–, children CHF 3.–
Easy for return Graubünden
Visitors to the Naturpärke events buy a simple ticket for the journey, stamp it with the organizer, and the ticket is already valid for the free return trip. The offer is valid from all boarding points in Graubünden for journeys with the Rhaetian Railway and PostBus. More information on fahrtziel-natur.ch/retour
No reservation necessary. Limited number of seats.
Planta-Wildenberg Castle

Even if some six-legged friends strain our nerves when they dance around on the jam sandwich at breakfast or want to sting us in our sleep: beetles, bees, butterflies, mosquitoes and the like are indispensable for our ecosystems. Despite their small size, insects play a crucial role in our food chains – pollination is just one example. In addition, the diversity and adaptability of the insect world has always fascinated researchers and nature enthusiasts alike. Numerous studies show that the number of insects has drastically decreased in recent years. In her lecture, Anne Kempel sheds light on the diversity and enormous importance of insects and at the same time shows the reasons and consequences of their decline.
The lecture is part of the current special exhibition Respect, Insect! in the National Park Centre. | The Schlossstall Auditorium of the Swiss National Park is located right next to the castle. 10 minutes from the train station.


Planta-Wildenberg Castle

7530 Zernez

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