Museum Surselva

Museum Waltensburger Meister, Waltensburg

Das Foto zeigt eine Führung beim Museum des Waltensburger Meister
Das Foto zeigt das Waltensburger Museum von aussen

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Das Foto zeigt das Waltensburger Museum im Winter
The museum is located in Waltensburg opposite the church of Waltensburg, where one of the most impressive works, the Passion, by the Waltensburg Master can be admired.


The Museum Waltensburger Meister aims to convey the master's work, its significance and its environment in a permanent exhibition and create access to the paintings in the various locations in the canton.

The exhibition: In exhibits, display panels and with multimedia elements, the exhibition in two rooms addresses the following topics:

  • Middle Ages
  • 13th/14th century
  • The Waltensburg Master
  • Works and places of his work
  • Examples of related art
  • Painting technique
  • Composition / style / depiction / symbolism / interpretations

The museum is open to groups (minimum admission CHF 20.00) by appointment by calling 0041 79 136 35 32.



Adults CHF 5.00

Children / teenagers from 7 to 16 years CHF 2.50

Children up to 6 years free of charge

Groups of 10 or more CHF 4.00 (adults) / CHF 2.00 (children)

50% reduction with Caritas Kulturlegi.


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

Take the Postbus from Ilanz station in the direction of Andiast. Get off at the Cadruvi stop in Waltensburg.The museum is only 10 meters further on the left-hand side. Directly opposite you will see the stairs leading to Waltensburg church.


Museum Waltensburger Meister, Waltensburg

Casa Cadruvi, 7158 Waltensburg

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