Monstein – Zügenschlucht (Gorge) – Filisur

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With the opening of the Landwasser Tunnel at the end of 1974 as a winter-safe connection to Wiesen and the Albula Valley, the old cantonal road built in 1872 through the wild Zügenschlucht could be declared a car-free hiking trail. It is a hike through the wildly romantic Zügenschlucht from Davos Monstein via Davos Wiesen to Filisur. Where breathtaking and spectacular gorge scenery, the Wiesner Viaduct and nature trails await.
The trail to the Zügenschlucht begins at this inn, as does the stone nature trail, along which boulders and boards display names and origins to give you an overview of the stones that are found in the Davos landscape. Until Brombänz, the trail leads left first, and then right along the wild Landwasser river. The path and river often compete for space in the narrow gorge. Until the summer, residual snow can be seen in the avalanche tracks in the gorge, hence its name (Zügen = tracks). At the strait of Brombänz, the railway, appearing only briefly from the tunnels, crosses the gorge and our hiking trail. The creek with the waterfalls, opposite the lay-by with its fire site, form the boundery of the Davos region. Rock galleries, steep, forest-covered drops, the wild water in the deep gorge and, particularly in early summer, a rich and rare flora await you.
The Landwasser carves itself deep into the rocks at Bärentritt at the end of the nature trail. At Känzeli, the view opens up into the Albula valley. We turn left from the disused road, cross the tempestuous creek on a narrow bridge that worms its way under the train platform, and reach Wiesen train station via a good forest path. This is where the nature trail begins, which informs us of all kinds of interesting facts about plants and animals.
Those with a head for heights can take the Wiesner viaduct across the rocky Landwasser gorge. At the end of this structure, the old entry signal from the train station is still standing, a Hipp's turning-disc signal. A shaded stroll along a gentle incline then takes us through the forest along the nature trail. After crossing Breitrüfi, we enter Caviawald forest, which greets us with a carpet of lily of the valley. When we exit this forest, we can see the village of Wiesen on a terrace on the other side of the valley. We continue along a road through Schönboden lay-by, named Ziegelboden on maps, to Visura; the Piz d'Ela can be made out on the left, on the right is the church of Schmitten.
Now we walk on a hard road surface, leaving the nature trail at the next right turn, continuing straight briefly and then following the road which forms a long curve to the left. At the transformer station, we turn right and descend steeply, following the path to the right again, and pass under a small railway bridge before reaching Filisur train station.
The museum offers one of the most attractive and extensive exhibitions of crystals and minerals: finds from Graubünden, huge rock crystals, minerals of all kinds and in all colors, and as a special attraction the stones that glow mysteriously under UV light. Small snacks and drinks are also available in the museum, as well as the brochure for the rock nature trail. (Open Tue-Fri, 14 - 17h.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Getting back: By train (RhB) from Filisur.
Davos Monstein railway station or Graubünden Mining Museum Schmelzboden
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