Museum Val Surses Savognin Bivio

Kunstgalerie Sala Segantini

Kunstgalerie Sala Segantini (oua_57177543_image)
Kunstgalerie Sala Segantini (oua_24687710_image)

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Kunstgalerie Sala Segantini (oua_23546477_image)
In addition to memories of the great painter Giovanni Segantini during his time in Savognin, the Sala Segantini also exhibits contemporary art from Graubünden. A meeting place for national and international artists and art lovers.


Segantini grew up in northern Italy. In search of new landscapes for his paintings, he came to Savognin in 1886. Inspired by the mountain scenery, Segantini painted numerous pictures in the following years. Among other things, the second version of "Ave Maria" or the "knitting girl". On the occasion of the centenary of the artist's death, the association "Pro Segantini" together with the former municipality of Savognin built a "Plaz Segantini" with a three-dimensional installation. The plant is located on the Veia Purmaglera, in the place where Segantini painted the picture "l'arada" (ploughing).


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

Via Chur with the Rhaetian Railway to Tiefencastel, change to Postbus to Savognin. Get off at the stop "Savognin Cresta" or "Savognin Post". About 10 - 15 minutes walk to Sala Segantini in the lower village square.


Drive via Chur, direction St. Moritz. In Savognin at the Hotel Danilo turn right into the lower village. The Sala Segantini is located in the lower village square between the Hotel Romana, Hotel Bela Riva, the schoolhouse and the ski school.


Few parking spaces available.

Audio Guide

Giovanni Segantini / Alpenpässeweg


Kunstgalerie Sala Segantini

Veia Grava, 7460 Savognin

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