Church Surselva
Church Sogn Martin, Lumbrein

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The church is open daily from 08:00 - 17:00.
The south-facing baroque church was built in the mid-17th century on the site of two previous buildings, from which only the original entrance door (picture 3) with its carvings was retained. In the vestibule there is a remarkable but also shocking example of a martyred Christ on the cross (4).
In 1661, the episcopal court painter from Chur, Johann Rudolph Sturn (died around 1662), created the large painting of the Queen of the Rosary (5) on the north wall next to the pulpit. It is a kind of tree of life with Mary and her child in the middle. She distributes a rosary to St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena. The 15 mysteries of the rosary are depicted in medallions all around.
The Last Judgement (6) on the north wall is a particular highlight, as it was only rediscovered under the whitewash in 1968 and restored. To do this, the entire organ loft above the entrance door had to be demolished and the instrument rebuilt on a loggia (7) in the choir. The painting, created in 1694, is signed by Nicolaus de Juliani (Giuliani) from Roveredo. At the center of the painting is the trumpet angel (8) with the banner and the inscription “Surgite Mortui Venite Ad Judicum” (Arise, ye dead, come to judgment). Incidentally, a Last Judgement was also uncovered in the church in Degen, but it was in a much worse state.
The two-storey Baroque high altar (9) was created by Antoni Sigrist from Brig (died 1745). The twisted columns surrounded by vine leaves and red grapes are striking.
Under the choir, with an access door from the outside, there is a so-called ossuary with a remarkable remnant of an altar (10) by Hans Jakob Greuter (1630).
Text and pictures: Walter Müller ( in collaboration with Surselva Tourism
Church Sogn Martin, Lumbrein
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