Chapel Surselva

Kapelle St. Martin / S. Martin, Brigels

Das Foto zeigt die Kapelle St. Martin in Richtung Dorfzentrum
Das Foto zeigt die Kapelle St. Martin im Winter und ein Vater läuft mit ihrer Tochter vor der Kapelle her

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Das Foto zeigt die Kapelle St. Martin von Innen

Not far from the Flembach is the chapel of St. Martin with the beautiful late Gothic groin ceiling.


History: The St. Martin's Chapel is not mentioned among the branches of the parish church in 1185 and does not appear in medieval documents. Reconstruction of the tower helmet, 1736.

Building description: Chapel facing east, a choir tapered towards the depth, flat closed, vaulted with a barrel and separated from the nave by a semicircular arch. Above the nave a late Gothic ceiling. Three round-arched windows with sloping stitch arches. To the west the round-arched entrance. The choir is apparently without association with the ship. Uniform gable roof.

The tower: Romanesque. Stands in the escape with the west façade and has round-arched sound windows with supports and fighters. High, octagonal pointed helmet.

Murals: They are similar to St. Jacob's, dating from 1515.

The Gothic winged altar, dated from 1518, in the middle of the titular saint St. Martin. The wings are painted inside and out. Inside St. Catherine and Barbara, outside the three kings. The reverse is completely painted with St. George, the dragon slayer.

Bell: With inscription, 1819.

(Text entered by: Regiun Surselva)

The chapel key is available at the Brigels information office or at the Alpina family hotel.


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