I Monti di Villa

9.8 km
3:30 h
600 Hm
790 Hm
Monti Laghetti
Monti di Villa

3 Bilder anzeigen

Monti di Villa" is the name of a series of meadow terraces on the north-facing flank of the Bergell valley, opposite the settlement of Villa di Chiavenna.
Technik /6
Kondition 3/6
Höchster Punkt  1407 m
Tiefster Punkt  737 m
Beste Jahreszeit
46.325964, 9.493414



Villa's mountain pastures are particularly impressive and numerous. The most famous are called Campaccio, Laghetti, Pian Castano, Pian Cantone, but there are many more, in some cases limited to a few secluded huts surrounded by beautiful meadows. Almost all of the Maiensässe are inhabited during the summer. Many people, especially from Villa di Chiavenna, spend a long summer holiday in the serene atmosphere of these places. The proposed hike describes a circuit, with exit and end in the fraction of Canete. Recently, the Monti can also be reached by road, which has undoubtedly changed the atmosphere of these places.


From the village of Canete, walk along the forest road for about 100 metres and then turn right onto the mule track that leads to the meadow terrace of Scalotta (883 m); along this stretch of path you cross the new road to the Monti several times, which can only be used with a driving permit from the municipality. Near a fountain you come to a fork: the right-hand path leads directly to Pian Cantone and we will return along this path; however, it is better to continue on the left and cross Val Vertura on the bridge. A comfortable stepped path climbs up through the wood and comes out on Monte Tabiadascio, where there is a splendid view of the valley. Further up, you come to the meadows of Campaccio, which you climb up to the Roccolo building, situated on a flat terrace - Roccolo is an ancient bird-catching system, common until the middle of our century, then fortunately banned. The plateau extends to the east, where the Laghetti maquis (1243 m) is located, whose name can be traced back to isolated pools of water.

Back to the Roccolo, the hike continues. The path slopes upwards, past the huts at the top of this vast meadowland, and then enters a splendid coniferous forest. Now the hike takes a level course until it reaches the wide clearing with the buildings of Era (1348 m), followed at a short distance by Genova (1340 m). Again through the woods, you arrive at Pian Cantone (1301 m), where there are many inhabited houses. Up to here, the path coincides with the route over the Monti, which continues westwards over the plateau. Our hike, however, joins the descent down the valley. After the Cantone huts, you come to a fork: the left path descends to Giavera, which belongs to Villa di Chiavenna, and passes the edge of the long terrace of Roncaiola; the right one, on the other hand, continues the route that brings us back to Canete. Descending this one, you come across the meadows with the huts of Sciovatto. Continue through the woods again, leaving them at the striking terrace of Pian Castano. A last stretch through the woods brings you to the fork at Scalotta, from where you return to the starting point.


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

Take the post bus to the Per Canete or Centro stop in Villa di Chiavenna. On foot to the other side of the lake to the district of Canete Superiore.

Anreise Information

Coming from the Engadine, follow the main road down Bregaglia to Villa di Chiavenna. Park in the village or by the lake and then walk to the other side of the lake to the district of Canete Superiore.

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