Hüttentour Surselva Flims - Siat (Etappe 1)

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The stage starts in Flims with two highlights: the idyllic L ake Cauma and the viewing platform in Conn. Lake Cauma is considered one of the mostpopular bathing lakes in Graubünden and the spectacular viewing platform offers an exceptional view down into the Rhine Gorge. After Conn, you climbup the south side of the mountain ridge to Laax Murschetg and then follow the signposted mountainbike route on gravel roads for most of the way toFalera. Here is the starting point of the ascent to Alp Dadens. 500 meters of altitude gain on gravel road until Alp Dadens, after which the route turns intoa trail and climbs unabated for a short time. An additional 150 meters in altitude have to be mastered in this way until the culmination point is reacheda little below Alp da Schnaus. In a mix of single trails and gravel roads, the route continues deep into the Val da Siat, with another 100 meters of altitudegain at the end of the stage up to the village of Siat. Here, the aperitif at the Ustria Staila is well deserved.
Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Graubünden Ferien.