Event Val Surses Savognin Bivio

Hiking excursion Marmorera rampar – Sur – Mulegns with the Gruppa Cordial

We meet at 2.25 p.m. at the post office square and take the post bus to Marmorera dam.


19.09.2024 um 14:25 Uhr

We meet at 2.25 p.m. at the post office square and take the post bus to Marmorera dam. Hike on the dam and descent via Pra Grond to Furnatsch, ascent to Sur and descent again via Tgacuro to Mulegns.
3.63 km ascent 94m descent 298m 1.03h

Registration by Tuesday at the latest to Bigna Tel. 079 565 02 01 e-mail: bmodetta@bluewin.ch


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