Hike to the Carschina Furgga St. Antönien

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Nice, easy tour. Hike over the alpine pastures to Carschina Furgga.
On this entertaining, wrestling hike there are various places to stop for refreshments. Either in the Berghaus Alpenrösli in Partnun or in the Carschinahütte. Some people run up there, just because of the fine, homemade cakes that come out of the oven! At least as great is the Partnunsee, which you can either with the rowing boat or (only the hard ones, come to the garden :-) enjoy bathing! On Alp Carschina you can stock up on fine alpine cheese before you set off again.
P6 - Garstett - Äbi - Eggen - Miesbrunnen - Partnunsee - Brunnenegg - Carschinafurgga - Obersäss - Alp Garschina - Mälbereggen - Boden Eggen - Äbi - Garstett - P6
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
With the Rhaetian Railway RhB to Schiers (90.218) or Küblis (90.222) and by post bus to St. Antönien.
Anreise Information
On the A13 and A28 to Küblis, then turn left through the underpass towards Pany, Luzein, St. Antönien.
In St. Antönien, all parking spaces are subject to a fee. In the car parks, you can pay with cash, the Parkingpay app or Twint. The last car park P6 with day ticket is located below Partnunstafel, about 3.5 km outside of St. Antönien. The parking lot below the mountain houses is reserved for house guests.
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