High valley Val Frisal

11.4 km
5:30 h
639 Hm
639 Hm
Wanderung Val Frisal
Val Frisal

13 Bilder anzeigen

Das Val Frisal aus Entfernung im Sommer
The Val Frisal, at 1900 m above sea level, is a 3-kilometer-long high valley with a bowl-shaped glacier end and beautifully meandering streams.
Technik /6
Kondition 4/6
Höchster Punkt  1916 m
Tiefster Punkt  1277 m
Beste Jahreszeit
Brigels (Cuort)
Brigels (Cuort)
46.77233, 9.061742



The glacier forefield, the streams, and a flat moor with rare fauna and flora make the Val Frisal one of the most beautiful high valleys in the Alps.

The starting point for the hike from Brigels is in Cuort, below the small hill where the chapel of Sogn Sievi (built in 1183) can be seen. Just before the small bridge, a dirt road turns left into the wild and romantic Val Frisal, leading to the "Hochebene Val Frisal" (high plateau). The path continuously ascends along the babbling Flem-Bach. The varied climb takes you past aromatic coniferous trees and through a beautiful alpine flora. On the left side of the path at "Chischarolas," you will find the entrance to Europe's smallest and highest spruce primeval forest, the "Uaul Scatlè." Then, the 2745-meter-high "Kistenstöckli" and later the 2786-meter-high "Pèz d'Artgas" come into view. At "Paliu da Rubi," the valley temporarily widens. At the same time, the path narrows and becomes steeper. Suddenly, the towering 3000-meter peaks come into view. In all its glory, the "Hochebene Val Frisal" opens up, surrounded by rocks and the mouth of the glacier.

For the return journey, there is the option of a short ascent to "Crap Cavigliauna" (2073 m). From there, you are rewarded with an impressive view of the high plateau. From this point, you can descend via Alp Nova, where the ascent route for the return journey is reached just beyond "Chischarolas."


  • Those who continue to hike along the northern side of the Val Frisal Plateau, without a marked trail, will reach the glacier forefields near Durschin.
  • The Scatlè spruce primeval forest at Chischarolas can be observed while passing by.
  • There is a beautiful barbecue spot by the stream at Chischarolas.


The tour should not be undertaken in uncertain weather conditions. Weather changes are frequent in the mountains. If a rain front or similar is approaching during the hike, you should turn back in good time.

144 Emergency call, first aid

1414 Mountain rescue REGA

112 International emergency call


Gute Wanderschuhe mit gutem Profil, wetterangepasste Kleidung (Regenjacke), Erste-Hilfe-Set, Getränk, Verpflegung, ev. Wanderstöcke


Brigels (Cuort) - Alp da Stiarls - Chischarolas - Paliu da Rubi - Frisal - Alp Nova - Chischarolas - Brigels (Cuort)


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

Train stop Tavanasa-Breil/Brigels. Continue by postbus to Breil-vitg, posta. For more information on the timetable, please refer to the SBB website: www.sbb.ch.

Anreise Information

Take Hauptstrasse 19 to Tavanasa-Breil/Brigels. Then follow Via Principala and Casut until you reach Cuort.


In the center of Brigels or at the valley station of the mountain cable cars.

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