Hanging bridge trail Val Sinestra - Zuort - Griosch - Vnà

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The forest turns into pastureland and you reach the Griosch cluster of houses. The Tanna da Muntanella restaurant is at the turning point of the hike. From there, you do not continue into the valley, but walk along the newly constructed hiking trail on the edge of the meadows and woods above the forest road in the direction of Vnà. After about five kilometres, you reach the hamlet of Vnà.
The trail can also be followed in the opposite direction from Vnà.
Emergency call:
144 emergency call, first aid
1414 Mountain rescue REGA
112 International emergency call
Attention: In winter, the PostBus only runs to the «Sent, plaz» stop. The hiking time is +120 minutes (6.7km)
- From Sent or Kurhaus Val Sinestra / or start Vnà
- Follow the stream into the valley
- Past the Zuort farm to Griosch
- Turning point of the hike and crossing of the stream
- Continue to Vnà
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
- With the Rhaetian Railway (from Chur, Landquart/Prättigau or from the Upper Engadin) hourly to Scuol-Tarasp station.
- Continue by PostBus to the PostBus stop Sent, Plaz or to Berghaus Val Sinestra (hotel)
Anreise Information
- From the north: via Landquart – Klosters by car transport through the Vereina tunnel (Selfranga – Sagliains) or via the Flüela pass into the Lower Engadin on H27, up to Sent.
- From the east: via Landeck / Austria in the direction of Reschenpass, after Martina on H27 to Crusch and then up to Sent.
- From south: via Reschenpass to Martina, there direction St. Moritz on H27 to Crusch and then up to Sent.
- Parking facilities are signaled at the two village exits in Sent.
Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.

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