Bridge Davos Klosters
Hängebrücke Schlappintobel

There are quite a few bridges in Prättigau that are outstanding in terms of engineering and cultural history. For example, the Sunniberg Bridge below Klosters, designed by Christian Menn, which directs car traffic in an elegant curve over the valley river, the Landquart. Or Robert Maillart's Salginatobel Bridge near Schuders: The prestressed concrete bridge, built in 1930 as cost-effectively as filigree, is a milestone in the development of civil engineering.
In spring 2017, the Schlappintobel also received a new bridging. The new Schlappin Bridge leads as a rope-and-wood construction more than 70 meters over the Tobel, under the bridge it goes up to 19 meters into the depth. The weight of the bridge is carried by a double mast over 10 meters high, a so-called pylon. And to ensure that the whole construction is really safe, the bridge was provided with 220 meters of support ropes, secured with 40 meters of anchor ropes and stabilized with 120 meters of wind guy ropes.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Take the Klosters-Serneus local bus to the Rufinis stop below the Madrisabahn.
By car to the public car park at the Madrisabahn (for a fee).
Audio Guide
Hängebrücke Schlappintobel
Klosters Dorf
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