GTT Sedrun - Lukmanierpass 3. Etappe

Over the Stagias hill to the Lukmanier Pass
The day promises a lot of variety: we are always in the valley area, walk through small villages and shady forests, take a break on the Stagias hill and cross an extraordinary suspension bridge made of larch wood in Mutschnengia. On the old Lukmanier pass route, modernity does not yet seem to have arrived in the hamlets of Drual, Matergia and Pardé. Alpe Sogn Gagl belongs to the monastery of Disentis and the famous "wandering monk" Father Placidus A. Spescha spent some time here. But that was a good two hundred years ago. At the latest at the first glance at the dam of the Santa Maria reservoir, modern times catch up with us again. But even that has its charm when we hike to the left bank on the gallery roof to the top of the pass.
Construction work is still underway on the gallery at the Lukmanier Pass. As soon as these are completed, you can wander over the gallery again (a little shorter)
The route can be shortened in Val Medel by post bus or interrupted with an additional overnight stay.
Hiking equipment
From Sedrun we follow the signposted hiking trail (green sticker "Gotthard Tunnel Trail") down into the village and continue on the access road to the hamlet of Cavorgia. This is followed by the ascent on a forest road to Stagias and then down to Mutschnengia in Val Medel. On the left side of the Rein da Medel, the path leads to the Santa Maria dam. We cross the crown and circle the lake to the hospice.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
By train from Lucerne or Zurich or from Chur to Sedrun.
Anreise Information
By car from Lucerne or Zurich or from Chur to Sedrun.
Parking spaces at Sedrun train station
Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Sedrun Disentis Tourism SA.
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