Greina in 2 Tagen vom Tessin nach Graubünden: Luzzone - Val Sumvitg

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An eventful hike across the well-known Greina plateau. The Lago di Luzzone reservoir in Ticino with the Capanna Motterascio characterize the first day of hiking. The route continues over the Greina to a steep descent into the Val Sumvitg.
At the terminus "Diga di Luzzone" of the Bus alpin, the tour starts on the shores of the imposingly situated reservoir Lago die Luzzone. After the first three-quarters of an hour of hiking, the run-in is over and the path climbs steeply up to Capanna Motterascio. This is a full 600 meters above the water level of the lake. But now you can really enjoy yourself in the hut.
The next day, the tour starts on the mountain path to the Crap la Crusch pass crossing. This can be reached in just under an hour. Now, for the first time, you can see the impressive Greina with its meandering streams and barren rock formations from above. A little later, before the foothills of Muot la Greina, the hiking trail leads to the Terri hut. Would you like a hot soup or a sweet cake? You can definitely use the energy boost. Because after the hut, the steep mountain path, down into the Val Sumvitg, needs some calories. Some caution is required in some places on this section.
At the small reservoir in front of Runcahez, the alpine bus that you have pre-reserved is already waiting for you and takes the guests relaxed to the Rhb train station in Sumvitg-Cumpadials.
The steep ascents and descents to and from the huts require some stamina and strength. However, they are easy to do for sure-footed and normally trained people.
In uncertain weather conditions, the tour should not be started. Weather changes in the mountains are frequent. If a rain front or similar comes up during the hike, you should turn back in time.
Good hiking boots with good tread, weather-appropriate clothing (rain jacket), first aid kit, drink, food, ev. Hiking poles. Utensils for the overnight stay incl. hut sleeping bag.
Diga di Luzzone - Garzott - Cap. Motterascio - Accommodation - Crap la Crusch - Greina - Rifugio Terrinz - Runcahez
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
From Sumvitg-Cumpadials by train, post bus, bus line and bus alpine to the Luzzone reservoir. For details see "Info and Links"
Anreise Information
From Ilanz or Disentis, take the main road to Sumvitg-Cumpadials train station.
Sumvitg-Cumpadials Station
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