From Pany to Schiers

A lovely hike from village to village.
From the village square Pany climbs steeply the alley uphill, then to the left before Platzhaus without slope to the Rosenberg. Now it goes slightly downhill to Valcoppastrasse, over this via Pargäniatöbeli to before Taufs. Turn left, around the farm in a southerly direction. A little below farm, turn left through the Putzerbergwald to the cantonal road. Over this by beech down to the Stutzrank. There turn right to Obergasse, over the Buchnertobelbachbrücke through Lunden. Now the trail runs more or less along the edge of the forest above, Praperwil, Äuli, Radals, Runcalins, Schälleria, Rossgasse, over the Schraubachbrücke east to the village of Schiers and to the train station.
Hassle-free and well-marked hiking trails. In case of poor visibility, do not leave the marked route.
Good footwear, mountain hiking clothing adapted to the season and a map in your backpack are recommended.
Pany - Rosenberg - Pargänia - Taufs - Putzerberg - Buchen - Stutz - Lunden - Praperwil - Schälleria - Schiers
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Take the Rhaetian Railway RhB to Schiers or Küblis and the PostBus to Pany or St. Antönien (timetable field 90.218 or 90.222).
Anreise Information
Via the A13 and the A28 to Küblis, then follow the Luzeinerstrasse left up (northwards) to Pany.
Summer and winter: P41 ski lift, P42 Güggelstein, P43 swimming pool, parking is subject to charges. It can be paid with cash, Parkingpay app or Twint.
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